Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fall Cleaning

The weather is getting cooler, and school is about to begin. This is causing a change in my interests. My priority system has changed - things I wanted to do before are not things I want to do now.

I am doing some fall cleaning, and trying to get rid of things I no longer need. I haven't felt much like quilting lately, and I suppose my house will be better now for the cleaning, and a clean house will give me more time for quilting when I do get in that mood.

Don't worry, this mood never lasts long, and before long I will be showing you more cut up pieces of fabric, and hopefully a finished quilt or two.


Michele Bilyeu said...

Record heat wave here in Oregon.It's so hot upstairs in my little sewing room that I don't even need an iron to make my fusibles adhere. I just fan the fabric back and forth and the heat waves melt all the layers together quite nicely;) It's easy for quilters to become obsessive compulsive about quilting, I think. We all need breaks once in a while and all of us need to take good looks at choices, change and priorities. You're a smart lady to go with the flow right now. Love your blog title and photo. Did you take the picture?

Trisha said...

Welcome to blogland! I am glad I found your blog!

Joyce said...

Welcome to Blogging. I hope the cleaning mood is soon replaced by the quilting mood.

dee said...

Welcome-Michele sent me. Hope you can stop the cleaning and start the sewing soon. Your little swap quilt from Tracey is so pretty. Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome from me as well.
Be great to see more of your quilting when all the house work is done, its a good idea to get that out of the way 1st.
Take care