Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There isn't a lot to report, but I figured I should stop by and say hi, and give an update.

The new keyboard has been installed, and the water glass is being kept far away.

The weather is warming up, and our alien snow soldiers have been melted. Just tiny remnants remain. The sun is out and there is a new hope and better attitudes.

Yesterday was International Women's Day, and my sister and I went to Momentum 2010, a symposium to commemorate the day. It was very interesting. We heard a panel speak on health care, got some holistic therapy, heard motivational speeches, and got information about a lot of organizations and groups that help connect women of different interests.

The census people have a lot of money to burn - at almost every event I go to, they are there, giving away lots of stuff - mugs and bags and pens, etc. Archeologists looking at my house years from now are going to think I must have worked there to acquire so much stuff.

I signed up to receive free books. I figure I can read them and then give them to the local library, since they aren't buying very many books any more. I have to review them on my blog. I hope that you find the reviews interesting, and if not, that you will simply ignore them and keep coming back to the occasional quilt picture.

I have put together the Quilts for Kids quilt top, and put the layers together - I birthed it. I hope to get it quilted, so I can get it in the mail soon. I'll get you a picture, maybe outside, before I mail it off.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Sheesh, you have more to report than I do! I think it's cool you're going to be reviewing books, that's my dream job. Or proofreading, which I actually used to do. But not books - checks.