Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Beach Picnic


I was in the mood for a nice summer quilt and when I was looking at inspiration for my bird quilt, I saw a quilt that had a little bird near water, so I decided to make a beach scene.


I pieced the background, added a strip for the waves. Then I added the birds and the picnic. 



I used my usual method of sandwiching first and then securing the applique with quilting stitches. 



I quilted some waves in the water.

As per my usual M.O. , I finished this quilt late at night so these photos are taken with artificial lighting.

And as usual, I did not quite finish the quilt. I still need to add the binding. I might add some other things too to finish up.

I will post better reveal photos when the quilt is actually finished.

I hope you enjoyed seeing the quilt. I enjoyed making it.

I posted the links to all of the other participants yesterday. Please visit them and comment to let us know what you stopped by.


Danice G said...

Lovely birds quilt. Great pastel colors.

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Charming quilt!

cityquilter grace said...

a fun whimsical piece...

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Nice little quilt with the seagulls.

Calicojoan said...

What a fun way to play. I love your sea birds enjoying the beach!

Carol Swift said...

What a fun beach scene with birds, boats, and a picnic...so cute! Thanks for sharing, Shelina!

Karrin Hurd said...

Love your seagulls, great work!

Carol said...

I love the picnic lunch and the gulls eye-balling it! Someone is about to lose their lunch! LOL. Nice quilt--good job quilting it!

Moira said...

Cute quilt!

Quilting Gail said...

your quilt is lovely! Thanks for sharing!

Robin said...

What a fun project. You've captured the feel of the beach very well.

tink's mom said...

What a wonderful creation. I love where your birds have taken you and us for a summer adventure.

Leah said...

Nice beach scene. The seagulls are cute.

For the love of geese said...

This is so cute, well done!

Raewyn said...

What a fun project - I love those seagulls!

Nancy McC said...

What a fun quilt. You certainly met the challenge. Thanks for sharing your bird themed quilt.

Sharon said...

Very nice! Thanks for sharing your creative beach scene.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

What a fun and cute quilt, Shelina! Thanks for sharing.

Nann said...

What a charming picture!