Wednesday, January 31, 2024

My Stats for 2023 and January 2024

At the beginning of every year, I have been posting my stats for the previous year so that I can compare them year to year. I am running late this year because when I ran the 15 Minutes to Quilt challenge on YouTube, I found more quilts that weren't on my list of quilts in progress, and some of my estimated dates on the spreadsheet were incorrect, so I felt like I had to do more auditing to try to be as correct as I can. This means that my charts this year will look a little different than they did last year, but not by much.

I've shown you this chart before, but it will help with the other charts. I started 11 projects in 2023 and finished 12.

Here is how it looks for 2024. The two starts are more thoughts than actual starts but I have chosen the fabric and will start cutting into it soon, so I went ahead and added them. The Autobiography Quilt will be a long term project and I am editing a Youtube video that explains it. The Pink Explosion is for the February blog hop so you will see it finished (hopefully) in February.

Here is how the starts and finishes chart looks year to year. I am going to ignore the 2024 data since it will change dramatically but it does show that I have more starts than finishes overall, but that I am getting better about making up for 2007 and 2019 when I had so many starts. I am happy that I did manage to finish more than I started in 2023 and hope that I can continue that this year.

This chart shows the cumulative starts and finishes over my quilting life. I did get the two lines closer last year and hope to be able to continue to get more finishes. With the Project Quilting challenges and the blog hops, I know I have plans to start (and finish) lots of quilts, which leaves me less time to finish older projects, but I do hope to get to more finishes. I did make a lot of progress in December, and will try to sneak in more 15 minutes for the older projects one at a time so I can get more of them down the finish line.

15 Minutes to Stitch 2024

The final chart is not on a spreadsheet, but I do want to continue to stitch every day in 2024. I haven't been updating this every week since I have been so busy making quilts for the challenges and recording and editing the videos to show them, but I have definitely been working every day.

15 minute days these weeks --28 out of 28 days
15 minute days this year -- 28 out of 28 days
Success rate  = 100%

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Rose said...

You do so good...I really need to do some small projects till I have more finishes. But just seems like I go for big. I have not sewn every day, but so far, I do most days. I really need to take a day, or days even, and do a major clean up upstairs.

Kate said...

Very cool charts. I have some that are similiar that I use to track starts and finishes. Congrats on finishing more than you started. It's so hard to limit the starts and up the finishes. It's a slow process. Congrats on all the stitching time and meeting your goal to start doing the videos. You are off to a pretty strong 2024.

FlourishingPalms said...

What an interesting way to look at your starts and finishes. You have a more mathematical mind than I do, though I appreciate looking at a graph rather than numbers. Good for you to be "retraining" yourself to focus on more finishes than starts. It's not easy for us quiltmakers to do that!

Queeniepatch said...

You are so organized! And have made great progress. Keep up the good work!

Nann said...

It's fun to see the statistics graphed. Congratulations on your finishes for the year. ("Fear of the Missed Deadline" is the best name!)