Monday, July 5, 2010


Gratuitous fireworks shot

Do you read your horoscope?  I don't follow it regularly, but if I manage to get one placed in front of me, then I will read mine.  We have some people in the office who are from another office in another state, and since they get a newspaper everyday from the hotel, they bring it into the office.  One day last week, one happened to be on the table and I decided to sit by the newspaper to have lunch.  It was very appropriate.

It said something to the effect that I was very busy, but if I made a list, and just did the things on it, I would manage to get through it all.  Now I know this horoscope would be appropriate for 99% of the people in the world, but it was directed at me, and it did provide me with some comfort.  And I am keeping that comfort that I will be able to manage it all. Even though it was one day last week's horoscope.

I have been asked to do extra work, at work, and it is my rule that I never turn down legitimate paying enjoyable work.   It is hard to do this extra work, since I was expecting work to slow down, and make a smooth transition between working and not working. But instead I am working overtime.  Hopefully this means that when I am not working, I will be able to keep up the momentum, and get some real spring cleaning done. The house has been calling loudly, and the list of things I want to do at home keeps getting longer.  And the deadlines are creeping up.  People are going to be coming to my house soon from Japan.

I needed to do something to relieve the stress of things I need to do that aren't getting done, so I started another quilt.  LOL.  It was supposed to be a small, quick-finish quilt, but you know me.  It always takes longer and becomes more complicated as I think about it.  I do need to keep working on it though, so it doesn't feel like another thing on the list of things to do.

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